hahaha..tajuk x leh bla
ni la bile ak tetibe
mencapub kat universiti
kes die camni..
i have an
egyptian friend (his name is motasem)..he was in his FINAL year
(6th year) of medical..
this week..my university held a gallery.. showing many of arts
(fine arts not martial arts..haha)
of many talented people in my university
motasem was participate in this gallery.. in photography section
then, i met him and ask him about his photos..sembang punye sembang..
suddenly, one of my friends menyampuk
(tah dtg dr mne tah)
my friend say : hey, he can draw too you know
(pointing his finger on me)
he said to motasem..
(dlm hati ak...hey..die ni nak mkn kaki ke)
then, motasem pull my hand n bawak aku jumpe the person who responsible for this arts show..
terang punye terang...mamat yg responsible ni
agreed to put my drawing in this gallery..
(seriously??...mane ade bdak msia participate dlm gallery ni??..x kan ak nak participate kot??)
nak wat camne..bende dh TERlajak..kene lah buat..
(hehe..sebenarnye excited)
mlm tu jugak ak wat 4 drawing..sampai kul 2.30am bru aku tido..
(sanggup tu)
the next morning, i give my drawing to motasem..and about 1 or 2 hours..
ak pegi balik kat gallery show tu...tgok ak punye drawing...segan gile!!..
ramai gile org msia tgok kot..haha
(1st malaysian participant ever kot kat university ak..ceh2..bangga plak)
my drawing is the 4 top pics on the manila card...
segan doe
rase bangge lak arab tgok..haha
(eeh..tarikan gravity kuat sgt plak..)
my drawings yg 4 kat atas..4 yg bwah tu egyptian student punye
one of mine
comment dak2 msia r ni...
the gallery was held kat ground level..so mmg rmai r students dtg jguk..
ni mamat yg responsible 4 this gallery..his name-mohamed saleh
( old school name..haha)
comments from arab..siap bg no ag..hoho
gadis arab ni ngah comment pic aku...=D
credit to my friends..SYAHIR n NASRULLAH
4 helping me throughout this painful time...hahahahaha thanx